Our Network Can Help Your Network

Tom MitchellvBNG

A multi-core CPU is, in a way, a network; a network on a chip. Just like homes and businesses may be ‘hosts’ or nodes on a Service Providers network, or PCs and phones on an enterprise or home network, the hosts on netElastic’s network are CPU cores.  netElastic’s virtualized network includes a small army of cores, with each core performing …

How to Increase Your Broadband Network ROI

Rich SabinCGNAT, vBNG

The global COVID-19 pandemic has shined a spotlight on the importance of internet access. The pandemic has led to a digital transformation in which almost all aspects of daily life now include the internet. Unfortunately, individuals with limited or no internet access have been especially hard hit by their lack of participation in this digital transformation. According to DataReportal, almost …

Carrier Grade NAT (CGNAT) Explained in Fewer than 280 Words

Rich SabinCGNAT

The rapid growth of the internet has resulted in IPv4 addresses becoming a scare resource, which is increasing the costs to buy or lease IPv4 addresses. One approach to deal with the finite number of IPv4 addresses is to share the remaining IPv4 addresses among larger numbers of customers. How does this work? Carrier Grade NAT Carrier Grade Network Address …

What Do Broadband Providers Really Want from a BNG?

Rich SabinvBNG

netElastic recently conducted a survey to learn what broadband providers really want from broadband network gateways (BNGs). Broadband providers representing twelve different countries participated in the survey, including ISPs, large carriers, WISPs, and electric utilities. And both large and small providers were included. Job titles held by the survey respondents included Chief Technology Officer (CTO), network engineer, and network architect, …

Ask Me Anything: 5 Answers to Your Questions About vBNGs

Rich SabinvBNG

More and more broadband providers are deploying virtual Broadband Network Gateways (vBNGs). As a result, more people are asking questions about vBNGs. Below are answers to five frequent questions. 1. What is a vBNG and How is It Used? Broadband network gateways (BNGs), also known as broadband remote access servers (BRAS), are an essential network component since they’re the access …

How to Increase Your Network Scalability without the Massive Price Tag

Rich SabinvBNG

Network scalability has never been more critical, as people depend on the Internet for more aspects of their personal and business lives. This creates an opportunity and a challenge for broadband providers since traditional network infrastructure wasn’t designed to scale quickly or reliably to meet increasing demand. What should a broadband provider do? Let’s Explore the Options Many small broadband …

Network Refreshes are a Great Time to Start Virtualizing Your Network

Rich SabinNFV

Internet connectivity has reached a new level of importance throughout the world and the global pandemic has only accelerated that. The focus on internet access should continue as the “work-from-home” model is being embraced by many companies and individuals continue to spend more time online for their shopping, entertainment, and educational needs. These factors are also causing broadband providers to …

Why Virtual BNG? The Better Question is… Why Not?

Rich SabinNFV

Broadband access has become essential to our professional and personal lives. Most people now rely on the internet for much of their daily existence. Given this importance, the internet is being viewed as a fundamental human right. And governments and broadband providers around the world are investing money to ensure broadband access is available to all. Network Traffic Everyone knows …

How to Easily Increase Network Scalability and Flexibility

Rich SabinNFV

Subscriber demand for bandwidth has been growing rapidly, and demand is expected to grow even faster in the future due to increasing numbers of connected devices, video streaming, and gaming. Of course, the global pandemic has taken bandwidth demand to a new level, with employees working from home and students learning from home. Increasing demand for bandwidth creates major opportunities …

Can Implementing CGNAT be Easy and Affordable?

Rich SabinNFV

With the number of internet connected devices increasing rapidly throughout the world, the scarcity of IPv4 addresses is becoming more problematic. The IPv4 shortage is particularly acute for international broadband providers, which have less access to IPv4 addresses. Although the 4.3 billion addresses supported by IPv4 seemed like a lot in 1983 (when IPv4 was created), it is woefully inadequate …