How to Choose a CGNAT Vendor

Rich Sabin CGNAT

Broadband service providers are embracing CGNAT as a way to conserve IPv4 addresses. But who should you buy CGNAT from?

netElastic vBNG Reaches 1 Tbps

netElastic High-Performance vBNG Achieves Terabit Speeds

Rich Sabin vBNG

Nielsen’s Law of Internet Bandwidth states that a high-end user’s connection speed grows by 50% per year. In looking at data from 1983 to 2023, it’s remarkable how closely the actual data fits the 50% annualized growth stated by Nielsen’s law. Even with minor yearly variations, Nielsen’s Law of Internet Bandwidth has held true throughout a 40-year period. This doesn’t necessarily …

What’s the Difference between NAT and CGNAT?

Rich Sabin CGNAT

Network Address Translation (NAT) and Carrier-Grade Network Address Translation (CGNAT) are common words in the networking world. But what are they, and what are their key differences? Read this blog to find out.

How to Increase your vBNG Visibility and Control

Rich Sabin vBNG

Broadband providers are supporting a growing number of subscribers. And more subscribers mean more bandwidth consumption. This is fueling the growth of software-based vBNGs, which provide greater scalability and flexibility than hardware-based BNGs. That being said, how do you get visibility into your vBNGs?

How vBNGs Can Increase Network Employee Productivity

Rich Sabin vBNG

Governments are fueling the biggest wave of broadband investment ever. And this isn’t a one-time massive expenditure, since most of the money is still to be allocated over the rest of the decade. In this environment, the state of Maine has successfully obtained hundreds of millions of dollars in federal money and other sources for broadband expansion. However, a new …